My 1st Blogiversary! | Reflections and Gratitude

So this is pretty surreal.

Hello friends! I honestly cannot believe that I have been book blogging for a whole year already, or rather a year and a month, I confess I’m a month late writing this post, but better late than never right?

Continue reading “My 1st Blogiversary! | Reflections and Gratitude”

Some thoughts and a check in with you all || My blog turns one month old ❤

Hello everyone!

Yes yes the header stole my thunder of announcing this. But let me do it again.


I am utterly stupefied. When I set up this blog on a whim in the middle of the night, never did I think I would last that long or get the huge amount of support I got in this month. 🤩

Thus, thank you. 🤗

To all who clicked on my posts, to all who liked them, to all who engaged in a conversation with me whether here or on each of your lovely blogs, to all that took the effort to follow me… Continue reading “Some thoughts and a check in with you all || My blog turns one month old ❤”