Double Review: The Wrath and the Dawn by Renée Ahdieh & The Boy With Fire by Aparna Verma | An Alluring, Immersive YA Retelling and An Ambitious But Lackluster Fantasy Debut

Hello friends! Contrary to popular belief, I have not disappeared off the face of the earth, but I admit to disappearing of the face of the blogosphere because: school. My finals are coming up in a month’s time and to say that I’m nervous would be an understatement, so pardon my sporadic appearance, save for a few reviews I’m excited to share about!

Today, I’m finally writing my review of The Wrath and the Dawn, a YA fantasy that is well-loved, as well as The Boy With Fire, a new release that will bring out your inner arsonist. One completely captured my heart while the other broke it, especially with the comparison to The Poppy War.

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JULY WRAP UP | A Wonderful, Terrible Month ft. More books by Asian authors!

July was a wonderful, terrible month. Tell me I’m not alone.

School has reached a tyrannical, dictatorial level, and yet my sanity still remains (perhaps because it was already whittled down to none in the first place) and I’ve found many incredible books by Asian authors especially! I’m feeling the mid-year blues, and anxiety towards the looming end-of-years I’ve spent my student years dreading. However, I’ve so much to be thankful for and look forward to, as usual better late than never, let’s go through July!

Continue reading “JULY WRAP UP | A Wonderful, Terrible Month ft. More books by Asian authors!”

Double Review: The Infinity Courts by Akemi Dawn Bowman & Descendant of the Crane by Joan He | The Sci-Fi and the Fantasy: Two Beautiful, Twisty and Thoughtful YA Novels

Hello friends! How is July going for you?

For me, after school break in June, it has been such a hectic period loaded with so many projects and academic work. So I apologise for my inactivity and late coming to posts, give me a while to catch up (before I disappear again because of another busy period ah)! However, that being said it has been wonderful to find reprieve in books and I’m truly heartened to share about two beautiful, twisty and thoughtful YA novels that I enjoyed this month!

Continue reading “Double Review: The Infinity Courts by Akemi Dawn Bowman & Descendant of the Crane by Joan He | The Sci-Fi and the Fantasy: Two Beautiful, Twisty and Thoughtful YA Novels”

2021 Mid Year Book Freak Out Tag | Relishing the chance to scream about my favourites (again) + Showcasing a fraction of my huge 2021 TBR!

Hello friends!

Has the realisation that the middle of the year has dawned and past shattered your mind, soul, spirit yet? Because it certainly has for me.

However, instead of morning and mourning the supersonic speed of time, allow me to instead freak out over how much I loved my reads this year, as well as how my TBR pile towers over those that I have read!

Spoiler alert: I’m being dramatic, but not hyperbolic. (And yes, that was a reference to The Poppy War, ah the wonders of foreshadowing!)

Continue reading “2021 Mid Year Book Freak Out Tag | Relishing the chance to scream about my favourites (again) + Showcasing a fraction of my huge 2021 TBR!”

Double Review: Spin the Dawn by Elizabeth Lim & We Are Not Free by Traci Chee | A Whimsical, Fantasy Mulan Retelling & A Poignant Yet Heartfelt WW2 Novel That Touches On Discrimination and Identity

Hello friends! Today’s post is a double review of two books I’ve enjoyed, Spin the Dawn and We Are Not Free, the first being a whimsical Mulan retelling that was lovely but fell a little flat, and the latter being a poignant yet heartfelt WW2 novel touching on important themes that also caused me to bawl my eyeballs out.

Continue reading “Double Review: Spin the Dawn by Elizabeth Lim & We Are Not Free by Traci Chee | A Whimsical, Fantasy Mulan Retelling & A Poignant Yet Heartfelt WW2 Novel That Touches On Discrimination and Identity”

APRIL & MAY WRAP UP | returning from my long hiatus, starting bookstagram & redesigning my blog (again)!

hello friends! i’m so happy to be finally writing a post, having been on a seemingly never-ending hiatus since february dawned thanks to a hectic study life and now that it’s nearing break, i’ve some time to come back.

whilst ghosting the blogosphere, i’ve been somewhat eventful in other areas? i recently started a bookstagram account, which i’ll be sharing more of my thoughts down below, and if you’ve noticed, redesigned my blog for the umpteenth time, thank you itchy fingers, but i’m rather pleased with the outcome, tell me what you think!

i’m trying a new format with this two months’ wrap ups, so let me not dawdle and get into it!

Continue reading “APRIL & MAY WRAP UP | returning from my long hiatus, starting bookstagram & redesigning my blog (again)!”